The first step in treating your tooth sensitivity when you come to our dental office Mesilla Valley Family Dentistry is figuring out what is causing it. Both modest dental discomfort and unpleasant warning signs of more serious problems can cause tooth sensitivity. The typical sensation is a sharp or shooting pain that travels from your teeth into your gums and occasionally extends to the top of your head. The reason why some people claim to get a “brain freeze” after eating cold meals is because of this.

When the enamel, a tooth’s outer protective coating, has worn away, it often results in heat or cold-induced dental sensitivity. All of a tooth’s surface above the gum line is covered in enamel. The sensitive dentin of the tooth, which is located beneath the enamel and permits heat and cold to excite nerves, may become visible if the enamel is lost.

Additionally, due to receding gums, the cementum layer that covers the root may become exposed and create irritation.

The following are typical reasons for enamel loss that results in discomfort from heat or cold:

  • What Makes a Tooth Cold Sensitive:
  • Too much pressure when brushing, abrasive toothpastes, and hard bristles brushes can all wear down tooth enamel and cause sensitivity to cold temperatures.
  • If your teeth also pain while you’re eating, tooth decay may be the cause of your cold sensitivity.
  • Gum Disease, the accumulation of plaque on teeth, particularly at the gum line, is a precursor to gum disease, and a lot of plaque on the tooth surfaces can increase sensitivity to cold temperatures.
  • Cold sensitivity may be brought on by gum tissue recession, which can irritate the tooth’s nerve, which is contained in the inner pulp layers. The tooth roots are covered by the thinnest layer of enamel, so when the gums recede and expose the roots, teeth are more likely to be sensitive to cold.
  • Small crevices or cracks in teeth can grow into larger fissures as a result of the tooth enamel’s expansion and contraction in response to temperature variations. Cold sensitivity results from these fissures, which provide additional access to the tooth’s nerve.
  • What Makes a Tooth Heat Sensitive:
  • 80% of tooth sensitivity begins at the gum line, so it is not surprising that many people who are sensitive to heat also have gum disease and soft tissue recession.
  • An acidic diet, such as the acids found in coffee, tomato sauce, and other frequently eaten foods and beverages, can promote enamel erosion and hot beverage sensitivity.

Following a dental procedure, this is completely natural, but if it persists for more than a few weeks or worsens, get in touch with Dr. Borham.

The good news is that your issue is manageable if you experience tooth sensitivity when attempting to enjoy hot or cold delicacies. You might be able to treat the condition yourself by maintaining adequate dental hygiene. Additionally, do not wait until your subsequent examination if you have persistent tooth sensitivity if it worries you. Make an appointment at Mesilla Valley Family Dentistry as soon as possible. Dr. Borham will be able to identify the issue and provide you with the necessary care so you can resume enjoying food and liquids of any temperature.